What a nice weekend it has been! I've just completed lesson #23 in my certification course toward becoming a Web Advertising Specialist. It's really making sense now. With a little ingenuity, and a lot of luck, I will parlay this training into profitable freelance work. The course modules have taken me far longer than anticipated, but with only nine remaining, I am gaining confidence that I will soon add this designation to my resume.
The web is simply so vast; there is so much detail and technology involved in using it properly for anything other than keeping up with friends, that no one can expect to master it overnight. Again, slow and steady will win the race. I am consistently amazed at how many ways there are to harness the power of the Internet and social media, in particular, for marketing, public relations, advertising and running any successful business.
Since I began studying social media just a few short years ago, I've learned many lessons the hard way. Only last spring, a student I worked with asked for my input into a potential "work at home" venture she was considering pursuing online. As I shared with her, I advise anyone looking into the new media as a way to generate income - proceed with extreme caution. There are far more scams and schemes out there than legitimate employment opportunities. There is still no such thing as a free lunch! However, with some solid up-front research, you can find real opportunities and it is possible to use the web to work from home. If any of my readers are interested, I would be happy to share some of what I've learned on this subject. Simply leave your comments below and I can devote space in a future post to these questions.
The smell of the greasepaint, the roar of the crowd....
This afternoon was a rare treat. I've likely mentioned here that I come from a theatrical background. Well, today I auditioned for a director and the playwright (well-known local author, Constance Alexander) for a role in an upcoming production. It's been more than 15 years since I performed on stage and this is something I miss dearly. The audition was for The Way Home, a moving story of modern women stricken by cancer, of their beauty, bravery and battles with the current health care system.
The timely production is scheduled for Sunday, October 25, at Wrather Auditorium on the MSU campus. All proceeds will benefit Hospice Care in Murray. Whether I am in the cast or not on this venture, I support the author, the cause and this beautiful piece of work. Performed previously for appreciative audiences in New York and several other states, The Way Home tells the story of one woman from this area. The unique piece, billed as "a spoken opera," is as uplifting as it is thought-provoking. Surely, it will resonate with anyone who has been affected by or lost a loved one to cancer. So, the play's the thing, I hope!
So much more tomorrow ...
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