Friday, January 29, 2010

#134 - Where to find all the news that's "fit to print"

Social media is the talk of the town...and the blogosphere...and my grocery store checkout lane. I can't seem to escape it anywhere these days. I am often reminded of the famous line by Marshall McLuhan: "The medium is the message." Never have the words rung so true as they are for these times and this new "socially engaged" world. From Facebook to Twitter to LinkedIn to The New York Times, Mashable, and far beyond, there is so much information out there on social media - possibly more on the medium itself than anything else. Hard news is getting harder to find while reality TV, meaningless gossip and talk of the blogosphere is all over the place. I fear the medium is becoming the only message.

As I work on developing a series of workshops to help teach journalism students the importance of and techniques for leveraging social media into effective advertising, public relations and news campaigns, I find myself devouring hundreds of pages, sites and articles. I'm learning more every day about just how much there is to learn about the medium. Where would the average non-journalist even begin? I have some advice on that. You start by reading and you only read the best. Toward this end, here's a handy link to the current Top 10 Social Media Blogs, as published by one of the best - the Social Media Examiner (, and reprinted with permission.

Take it from me, if you want to learn what's going on in social media today, then these are the online sources you should be following. Just click the link!

Life Lesson: To be better, start studying the best!

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