Friday, September 11, 2009

Day 27 - A Day to Remember

Where were you on Tuesday morning, September 11, 2001? Me? I was getting ready to head to work but stopped myself. Something just didn't feel right. Back then, my day job was as a pharmaceutical rep detailing doctors and pharmacists about GlaxoSmithKline's latest miracle drugs. By night, I was juggling a few freelance writing projects and working part-time to help a friend who had opened a Spa in West Palm Beach, FL. That morning, I don't recall exactly what it was, but something felt terribly wrong. I noticed it at around 7:30. After 30 minutes, I decided that I must be coming down with a virus, and so, I called in sick. I could not explain the decision to myself.

Shortly after 9 am, I got back in bed to watch the morning news (Good Morning America, I think), and just like most of the country, I continued to watch - in horror - as it happened and the full details unfolded like some gruesome movie script. I went through the stages of disbelief and anger just like you. I was transfixed to that TV and sobbed through much of the day. Like so many, I cannot help but think about this today. We must consider the collective loss and the chain of events that followed. Eight years ago, all of our lives were inexorably changed.

This is perhaps too somber a topic for this blog, but I am writing about what's on my mind and I trust that if anyone is reading, then they will understand. It's healthy to talk about it. And lord knows, we must never forget.

I often pray for those who fight fires and crime, who help the hurting and heal the wounded, and for the families and friends of those directly affected on 9/11. Today, I also pray for our country. On a day of such sad significance, I pray that we can get over the twisted political bickering and division that seems to consume so many in this great nation. Sooner rather than later, we must all face the reality that "Together we stand; divided we fall." Enough said.

The weekend holds promise
I'm headed to a picnic in Paducah tomorrow. The rest of the weekend will include the usual reading assignments, research, writing, etc. I've got plenty to keep me busy for the rest of the semester. So, a community picnic during what may be the last of our summer weather is just what the doctor ordered. Here in Murray, students and families will be heading over to the annual Ice Cream Festival in Central Park. How wholesome and "All-American" does that sound? I love this town.

Whatever your plans, I wish you sunshine, family, good friends and an awareness of just how precious this thing we call "country" really is.

Peace. - Save $2 on all orders over $50

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