Thursday, November 26, 2009

# 103 - The Importance of Giving Thanks

“There Are No Ordinary Moments – Only Extraordinary Moments.”

In everything we do, there is always choice. We can decide to be happy, or we can choose to sweat the small stuff. The forks will be there in every road no matter where we go and in whatever we do. Have you taken a moment to find your gratitude today?

I had the rare opportunity to talk to my mom this morning, just for a few minutes, but they were precious. She's seriously ill and alone for the very first time on Thanksgiving, stuck in a nursing home in another state. I should say that I come from a high-drama family. When I was growing up, mom and I had a difficult relationship. Whenever there was no drama at home, mom or I would simply create some. This made for many exhausting family holidays.

Today, I am only able to visit mom by phone. I love my mom. I am thankful that I have come through it all, dealt with the unimaginable and even developed a knack for steering conversations onto more uplifting and encouraging pathways. I am most grateful for my mom's love. I am aware that every day is a challenge for many people in this world.

Remembering to express gratitude helps us all to appreciate the challenges others are facing. Recognizing others also puts our challenges in their proper perspective. In honor of Thanksgiving, let's all try to make time for gratitude today. Let all the stress and responsibility go for a few minutes and consider the abundant love that surrounds. On days like this, we can appreciate every accomplishment and give thanks for the people and opportunities that have come into our lives.

In looking for extraordinary moments, miracles can happen... a quiet walk through the park, the campus bells begin to chime, and I catch a glimpse of three wild bunnies hopping across a neighbor's lawn. It is a moment of sheer perfection. Such moments give us time to notice the wind, and give thanks as it effortlessly lifts a hundred colorful leaves from the trees and ground and sends them swirling in nature's own graceful ballet.

Today, I give thanks to every man and woman serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. I thank my friend, the pilot, who chooses to do the hard work in Iraq (far from his family and friends) in order to keep our country safe. I appreciate my beautiful friend in South Florida who always knows the right thing to say when I am down. I appreciate the kindness and friendship my father continues to show me every day. Greatness is all around us.

It is in small moments that we can find greatness even within ourselves. Appreciate every hug and kiss, for they are precious. Live, breathe, see and be in each moment. And, always be gracious.

Happy Thanksgiving

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